Keyboard shortcuts and cheatsheet
This page is a list of important shortcuts to access commonly used or hidden features. Take the time to get familiar with them as they will improve your productivity tremendously.
Ctrl+N: Create a new project
Ctrl+O: Open a project file
Ctrl+S: Save the current project
Ctrl+Q: Quit the application
Ctrl+Z: Undo
Ctrl+Shift+Z: Redo
F11: Toggle fullscreen mode
F1: Show the user manual
Media Library
Enter: Preview (playback) the selected clip
Insert: Insert the selected clips into the timeline
Ctrl+Delete: Remove the selected clips from the project
Spacebar: Toggle playback.
S: Split the clips at the current playhead position. If there are selected clips, only those will be split.
Delete: Remove selected clips from the timeline.
← and →: Seek one frame backwards or forwards. This depends on your project framerate.
Shift+← and Shift+→: Seek one second backwards or forwards.
Ctrl++ and Ctrl+-: Zoom in or zoom out. You can also use Ctrl with the mouse wheel to control the zoom more efficiently.
Ctrl+0: Adjust the zoom to fit the timeline.
Shift+drag: Ripple edit.
Ctrl+drag: Roll edit.
': Toggle the safe areas